Monday, May 26, 2008

Boulder Creek Festival

Johann went to see the Boulder Creek Festival today! It was cold and rainy, but he perservered all afternoon.

He stopped to watch a mexican dance group under a tent. They are dancing with water glasses and candles balanced on their heads!

Watching the rubber duck race on Boulder Creek!

Johann warms up with a cup of tea at Dushanbe tea house after the festival.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Miami and a little theater

We opened the community theater performance of Ibsen's "John Gabriel Borkman" on Friday, Johann came along and hung out backstage.
This week we are visiting Miami for work!

Johann like the palm trees (actually, this one is a palmetto)
We are staying in a posh hotel. Johann got to jump on the bed!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kicking around Boulder

Saturday was errand day. First, Johann helped pick up dirt, plants, and cat food. Then he went to a Nepali buffet for brunch.

Mmm, tasty bread!

Johann showed off his balancing skills with the salt and pepper shakers

In the afternoon, Johann read up on his Ibsen to prepare for tech week

Then he helped to sort laces

and cut out some sewing projects

Sunday, May 4, 2008

trip to Denver

Johann had an exciting weekend!

First he helped clean up the community garden. The first harvest of the season is some stems of this rhubarb plant

We took the stems home and made a tasty rhubarb crisp

Then on Sunday he went to Denver!

He went to Centennial Park

and saw a big mural under the street

but the water was too cold to go in the river

Then he went to dim sum! Lots of food

After lunch, he went back to Boulder. He stopped at the scenic overlook to take some photos overlooking Boulder

Then he went to tea at the Dushanbe tea house, a gift from Tajikistan to Boulder

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Travel Map

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Map of Johann's travels

Fort Collins

Yesterday we drove up to Fort Collins for work. Johann got to nap while I went to an all-day meeting. It was very windy and cold, so Johann didn't want to spend a lot of time outside. We saw lots of stuff from the car.

Here was a strange park with big slabs of stone and fountains

Then we drove past the Budwieser (beer) factory

Johann comes to Boulder

In which Johann the Bear visits Boulder Colorado!

Johann's adventures thus far:

Johann arrived last week after a long trip! He immediately went outside to see the flowers:

Then he was tired, so I gave him some ice cream and sent him to take a nap. Later on he is going to help me make dal patties for dinner. He brought me some treats of german candies and little pendants! He is also well prepared for his trip with a rucksack full of guidebooks, knitting needles, and his passport.

Last weekend, Johann helped dye some wool!

On Monday he came with me to work. We went into the roof observatory to get a good view

but he thought the most exciting thing was this big ball of string

I snuck Johann into my dim sum class on Tuesday. Here he is helping to make potstickers:

Thursday we walked home from work and saw Bear Creek, but Johann was the only bear there.